Senin, 27 Juli 2009

Look at The Bakrie Tower's Facade!

it's almost completed.. :D
photo by AceN SSCI

Sabtu, 11 Juli 2009

Proposed: Vertical Kampung, Jakarta

“Jakarta bersih!” Our IABR Gotong Royong competition’s 1st prize winning design deals with big issues like overpopulation, poverty and pollution. Vertical kampungs are placed on top of waste processing machines. These buildings are located in between the higways of Jakarta’s business district and the Kampungs. Big billboards pay the project: commerce as charity. The project expresses the two faces of Jakarta and demonstrates how the poor and the rich can mutually benefit. Parts of the overpopulated kampungs will be relocated so space for green areas is created. Recycling and composting by the inhabitants of the kampungs can clean up the city and provide income for the poorest.

Jumat, 10 Juli 2009

Letters: Visa-on-arrival at Soekarno-Hatta

Tue, 05/12/2009 2:02 PM | Reader's Forum

If Indonesia is serious about wanting to attract more tourists and investors, wouldn't it be a good idea to improve the visa-on-arrival system at Soekarno-Hatta airport?

The current system is frankly very annoying to visitors, and gives an unfortunate first impression of the country. And we all know how important first impressions are!

This is how the system currently works:

The visitor goes first to a payment booth, queues up, and pays the visa fee to a cashier.

The cashier issues a receipt. Next, the visitor goes to the next-door booth to submit his passport together with the receipt to an Immigration officer.

The Immigration officer scans the passport, prints out a visa, carefully glues it into the passport, and hands it back. The visitor then has to queue up again at passport control.

At passport control, a second immigration officer inspects the passport, checks that the visa is in the passport, and stamps the passport.

In other words, the visa which the first officer sticks in to the passport is inspected by the second one just a short distance away - and is then never used again. To make matters worse, each visa takes up a whole page of the passport.

This means that people who might otherwise make frequent visits (such as high-spending tourists, prospective investors, or businessmen looking to source supplies in Indonesia) are put off from doing so, simply because they don't want to have to renew their passports before they expire.

So why not simplify the whole process by just having the visitor pay the cashier, take the receipt and hand it over to the officer at the passport control desk (which in fact is more or less what is already done at Denpasar airport and at the Bintan ferry terminal)? That way, a lot of time would be saved, passport pages wouldn't be wasted and the first impression of the country would be positive instead of negative.

Even better, why not set up a system for visitors to pay for their visas on arrival together with their airline tickets, before they even arrive in Indonesia? Then they would only have to queue once after landing - just as they do in most other countries!

Oliver Wright

Aceh Bangun Jalan Tol Senilai Rp 35 Triliun

BANDA ACEH, — Pemerintah berencana untuk memulai pembangunan jalan bebas hambatan (tol) pada pertengahan tahun 2010 mendatang. Jalan yang akan menghubungkan Banda Aceh-Medan, Sumatera Utara, itu diperkirakan menghabiskan dana Rp 35 triliun.

"Beberapa calon investor sudah tertarik untuk menangani pembangunan ini, seperti dari Jerman, Belanda, dan Korea Selatan," kata Kepala Bidang Infrastruktur Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Daerah Provinsi NAD Hamdani, di sela-sela diskusi tentang penataan ruang Aceh di ruang serba guna Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Provinsi NAD di Banda Aceh, Kamis (2/7).

Hamdani mengatakan, proyek pembangunan jalan bebas hambatan sepanjang lebih kurang 400 kilometer itu merupakan bagian dari program pembangunan jalan bebas hambatan di Pulau Sumatera yang dicanangkan Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum. Jalan bebas hambatan itu merupakan bagian dari proyek besar Pemerintah Indonesia untuk masyarakat yang tinggal di Pulau Sumatera.

Lebih lanjut, Hamdani mengatakan, proyek pembangunan jalan itu sebenarnya sudah dimulai sejak tahun 2008 lalu dengan mengerjakan studi kelayakan. Sampai tahun 2010, proses pengerjaan dokumen analisis mengenai dampak lingkungan juga terus dikerjakan.

"Ini sudah menjadi bagian dari proyek nasional dan tercantum dalam rencana tata ruang dan tata wilayah Pulau Sumatera. Jadi, ini program nasional," ujarnya.

Hamdani menyatakan, Pemerintah Provinsi NAD sendiri sudah berinisiatif untuk melakukan pembebasan lahan. Dalam rencana anggaran pendapatan dan belanja Aceh (RAPBA) tahun 2010 mendatang, Bappeda telah mencantumkan rencana pembiayaan untuk menalangi pelaksanaan pembebasan lahan di daerah-daerah yang akan dilintasi oleh proyek ini.

Posted by DJ_Archuleta (ssci)

Signum Place Office Tower

30 & 20 Floor Office
Architect: URBANE
est. construction on Q1-2010.
Location: Jl. TB Simatupang, Pondok Pinang - Jakarta

A new property development company spearheaded by a young entrepreneur wanted to make a grand entrance into the country's property industry.

Signum Development is a company with a philosophy and vision.
Signum Development believes in quality and value. The identity is sleek, young, dynamic and contemporary, which is the reflection of the company spirit.

Although relatively new player, the company is already have an exciting project in the pipeline which set to breaks cover later this year.

With a vast amount of landbank in the prime area in the capital's CBD and surrounding suburb, Signum Development is poised to become a major player in the property market in 10 years time.

Originally posted by g4brielle (SSCI)